Friday, January 15, 2010

Join Our Team

VESTED TITLE INC. is looking for talented individuals to join our team. Current position offered - Sales Representative

At VESTED TITLE INC. (VESTED), a leader in title insurance and search services in the State of New Jersey, we are committed to provide our employees an opportunity for both professional and personal growth. To facilitate a positive quality of life, VESTED provides its employees with a competitive salary and benefits package.

We provide our employees with support and training for career and professional development. VESTED encourages its employees to achieve their next career level and assists in providing the developmental tools to do so.

At VESTED, we recognize that our achievements and success in the title insurance industry is due to the talent, commitment, and enthusiasm of our employees.

VESTED is dedicated to recruit, hire and advance employees without regards to age, gender, race, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, marital status or sexual orientation. We are committed to providing a "discrimination free" workplace. We promote diversity in our workplace and will not tolerate discrimination in any form.

If you would like to explore this opportunity with a title insurance leader, please send your resume to

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Federal Estate Tax - gone or just on vacation?

Jeff Jacoby, writing in the Boston Globe, says,
"not all deaths are sad. The federal estate tax died at 12:01 A.M. on January 1, an occasion of joy if there ever was one. Allowing it to expire was one of the few sensible things Congress accomplished in 2009. Keeping it dead should be a congressional goal for 2010."

Lawyers and financial planners have become familiar with the federal tax's demise over the past 10 years; down from a tax of 55% to zero this year. However, while there is no tax in 2010, the tax comes back in full vigor in 2011 at the 55% rate on all assets over $1,000,000. We know from experience by reviewing hundreds of Wills over the past 10 years how planners had to structure estates to minimize the impact the federal levy has on families.
"Needless to say, this temporary vanishing act is wreaking havoc on estate planning, and many analysts expect lawmakers to revive the tax sometime this year, perhaps even making it retroactive to January 1. But if the goal is clarity and certainty in the tax code, a far better option would be to make the repeal permanent."
Jacoby argues for the complete abolishment of the federal tax over the whoops and hollers of the "class warriors." After all, the tax doesn't hurt the Rockefellers and the Buffets, but the family business entrepreneur.

Says Jacoby, "The estate tax is pernicious because it punishes precisely the kind of behavior society should want to reward -- work, prudence, savings -- and it rewards behavior that should be discouraged -- profligacy, overconsumption, and leisure."

What to you think?

Read the full column here.

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contact Stephen M. Flatow
Vested Title Inc.
648 Newark Avenue, P.O. Box 6453, Jersey City, NJ 07306
Tel 201-656-9220 - Fax 201-656-4506
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