Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Freddie Mac suffers six billion dollar quarterly loss

Just when you thought it couldn't get worse at Freddie Mac here's news about its six billion dollar quarterly loss. As a result, Freddie asked the U.S. Treasury for another 1.8 billion dollars to cover the loss.
"We recognize that high unemployment and other factors still pose very real challenges for the housing market," said Freddie Mac chief executive Charles Haldeman.
So where's the Congressional criticism? How will America's home buyers cope if Freddie is taken out of the picture? Not well, I think. Talk about being too big to fail.

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Housing Policy's Third Rail

In her column in Sunday’s New York Time, Housing Policy’s Third Rail, Gretchen Morgenson discusses a taboo, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

WHILE Congress toiled on the financial overhaul last spring, precious little was said about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage finance companies that collapsed spectacularly two years ago.
Indeed, these wards of the state got just two mentions in the 1,500-page law known as Dodd-Frank: first, when it ordered the Treasury to produce a study on ending the taxpayer-owned status of the companies and, second, in a “sense of the Congress” passage stating that efforts to improve the nation’s mortgage credit system “would be incomplete without enactment of meaningful structural reforms” of Fannie and Freddie.
No kidding.
With midterm elections near, though, there will be talk aplenty about dealing with the companies precisely because Dodd-Frank didn’t address them. Unfortunately, if past is prologue, this talk is likely to be more political than practical.
Those in the residential real estate industry know that Fannie and Freddie provided the fuel to the housing boom. Talk about an upset stomach when the bust arrived. The only medicine for these behemoths was a federal rescue.
The Treasury’s study on Fannie, Freddie and housing finance must be delivered to Congress by the end of January 2011. In a speech last week, Timothy F. Geithner, the Treasury secretary, told a New York audience that resolving the companies isn’t “rocket science.”
According to Morgenson,
“attaining genuine remedies for our housing finance system could actually be harder than rocket science. That’s because it would require an honest dialogue about the role the federal government should play in housing. It also requires a candid conversation about whether promoting homeownership through tax policy and other federal efforts remains a good idea, given the economic disaster we’ve just lived through.”

Understanding how Fannie and Freddie did business requires a dialogue. “Alas, honest dialogues on third-rail topics like housing have proved to be a bridge too far for many in Washington.”

Morgenson outlines how the nation’s largest buyers of mortgages did business. Understanding that process, and not repeating it is the key to overcoming the problems the housing market faces.
“Understanding how these companies operated is crucial if we want to avoid repeating the mistakes of our recent past. So, when you hear about Fannie and Freddie reform this fall, remember that we still don’t know the half of it.”

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Stephen M. Flatow
Vested Title Inc.
648 Newark Avenue, P.O. Box 6453,
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E-mail vti@vested.com - www.vested.com
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

FDIC takes down 5 more banks - Forbes.com

Forbes.com is reporting that the nation has seen 108 banks closed this year by the FDIC.  Five more were closed at the end of July.
  As a result, The July failures drained the FDIC Deposit Insurance fund by $1.3 billion bringing the year-to-date total to $18.9 billion, well above the $15.33 billion prepaid assessments for all of 2010.
When will the takeovers cease or, at least, slow down?
Bank failures during “The Great Credit Crunch” began slowly as the FDIC only closed 25 banks during all of 2008. In 2009 the FDIC picked up the pace with 140 bank failures with a peak of 50 in the third quarter of 2009. So far in 2010 the FDIC closed 41 banks in the first quarter, another 45 in the second quarter, and so far 22 for the third quarter with two months to go.
The common denominator for weakness at the failed banks seems to be a high percent of non-residential and non-farm mortgage loans.  Construction and commercial loans did them in.

Yet, bank failures provide some good investing opportunities according to Richard Suttmeier, the Chief Market Strategist for ValuEngine.com.

Read the full report.

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Stephen M. Flatow 
Vested Title Inc. 
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New Jersey's open space disappearing

The Star-Ledger reports

For the first time, New Jersey’s landscape is covered more by housing and shopping malls rather than forests, the real consequence of the "two most sprawling decades" ever, a report being released today concludes.

The study, a collaboration between Rowan and Rutgers universities, analyzed land use data between 1986 and 2007 and estimates the state could run out of open space around 2050 if the pace of development that took place in the sprawl years continued.
The question is will the slow market further slow the amount of land under development?

And how about the upsurge in urban development, especially the kind seen in Hudson County?

Experts point to several factors behind the trend: younger generations now have fewer children and prefer urbanized settings; the recession has forced both builders and buyers to settle for smaller (and cheaper) houses; land is just too expensive now for more McMansions.

Read the full story.
For your next title order 
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contact Stephen M. Flatow 
Vested Title Inc. 
648 Newark Avenue, P.O. Box 6453, 
Jersey City, NJ 07306 
Tel 201-656-9220 - Fax 201-656-4506 
E-mail vti@vested.com - www.vested.com Sphere: Related Content

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Revitalization money on the way to NJ communities

Thanks to New Jersey’s two U.S. Senators, Lautenberg and Menendez,

counties and municipalities across New Jersey will receive $24,195,998 for various housing and community revitalization programs. The grants, administered through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), are part of four initiatives: The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, the HOME Investment Partnership, the Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) program, and the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) program.

The grant money will be made available through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

According to a press release issued by Senator Lautenberg’s office,

The CDBG and HOME programs provide funding to develop decent and affordable housing, enhance infrastructure and develop economic opportunities primarily in communities with large populations of low and moderate-income families.  HOPWA funding provides housing assistance and related support services to meet the special needs of people with HIV and AIDS.  The ESG program provides homeless people with basic shelter and other services.
  Let's hope there's more money coming for New Jersey's struggling communities.

For your next title order or 
if you have questions about what you see here, contact 
Stephen M. Flatow 
Vested Title Inc. 
648 Newark Avenue, P.O. Box 6453, 
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Tel 201-656-9220 - Fax 201-656-4506 
E-mail vti@vested.com - www.vested.com
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