Monday, December 20, 2010

Refinancing? "Be Cynical About the Refinance Process"

The New York Times’ Jennifer Saranow Schultz writes about the refinance process.
“As least until recently, we’ve been in the midst of a refinancing boom. So consumers applying for refinancings should at least expect some delays.
“While lenders are leery about releasing details about how long refinancings are taking to close today versus a year ago, some are willing to admit that processing times are longer today for a number of reasons, including regulatory changes and historically low rates.”
I’m not sure of the “refinance boom” since most home values in New Jersey fell dramatically over the past two years.
“Kris Yamamoto, a spokeswoman for Bank of America, said in an e-mail that the longer processing times are the result of the “dramatic changes” the mortgage environment has undergone in recent years, including “new underwriting standards being enforced and regulatory changes enacted” to ensure that consumers can safely afford their mortgages. She also pointed to the low rates.”
How about the family that can afford its current mortgage but wishes to take advantage of a lower rate? Unless you had 30% equity, or more, in your home when you took your last mortgage, you can pretty much forget about it since home values have fallen as much as that number. Lenders will not make 100% loan to value mortgages despite encouragement by the Federal government.

So, what to do when you apply and you find your loan application dragging? Some lenders, after already locking the interest rate for 90 days are extending the rate longer if the delay can be found on the bank side. My suggestion—when the lender asks for a document, send it immediately, retain proof of delivery, for example, the fax transmission report or FedEx delivery receipt, and keep in touch with your processor in writing.

Read the full Times story including two cautionary accounts posted by other readers.

What do you think about this issue?
For your next title order or
if you have questions about what you see here, contact
Stephen M. Flatow, Esq.
Vested Title Inc.
165 Passaic Avenue, Suite 101
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Tel 973-808-6130 - Fax 201-656-4506
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

You’ve got to have homeowners insurance, but how do you save money?

Carla Hill, writing for Realty Times, has 7 tips on saving money in her article,

Tips for Lowing Your Homeowners Insurance Bill

In today's economy, every penny counts. How can you lower the cost of your homeowners insurance? Here are a few helpful tips.

1. Bundling: Many companies offer discounts for customers who buy multiple policies, such as your car, boat, and home insurance.

2. Deductibles: If you can afford a bit more of a financial burden should something happen at your home, then consider raising your deductible. This can easily save you on monthly costs.

3. Buy Early: You must obtain insurance in order to close your sale. Give yourself plenty of time for price comparisons and to ensure you'll have coverage in time for the sale.

4. It Never Hurts to Ask: Be sure to ask your insurer what discounts they have available. Certain groups and associations you may hold membership in receive discounts on their insurance!

5. Right Amount: Homeowners insurance is in effect to cover the replacement cost of items and structures on your property. This cost is, however, not the market value.

6. Safety Discounts: Many times installing safety extras such as smoke detectors and alarm systems can reduce your monthly bill!

7. Good Credit: Did you know that your credit score can affect your rates? According to Yahoo! Business & Finance, "In general, people with low credit scores and problems on their credit report end up paying more for insurance than people who don't have those kinds of issues in their lives."

And be sure to review your policy each year before renewal time to be sure that you policy still accurately coverages your property. Have you made changes or modifications that would require more or less coverage? Do all or even a few of these tips and you could see your insurance bill decrease!

For your next title order or
if you have questions about what you see here, contact
Stephen M. Flatow, Esq.
Vested Title Inc.
165 Passaic Avenue, Suite 101
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Tel 973-808-6130 - Fax 201-656-4506
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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mortgage interest deduction in trouble

We’ve written previously about the threat to the mortgage interest tax deduction. Will it happen? There’s a good chance. The unanswered question is – what happens to the real estate marketplace?

Realty Times’ Carla Hill writes,
“For months now, experts have been debating the fate of the home mortgage interest deduction (MID). So why exactly are politicians targeting the MID? With a federal deficit of around $13 trillion, officials are hard-pressed to find ways to curb the growing the debt.
“ Some say there are better options available than keeping the MID, following suit of many European nations who have in recent years nixed the deductions themselves, but the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) disagrees. They feel that this deduction is a strong incentive for homeownership. For nearly 100 years homeowners have been allowed to deduct the interest paid on mortgages for their primary residences, second homes and most home equity lines of credit.”
Frankly, the deduction of mortgage interest helped expand primary- and second-home ownership. Although not the primary incentive to home ownership, the deduction, when taken into account for budget planning, allows the buyer to buy a little bigger and better than her net income will allow. Call it a subsidy, if you will.
“NAR President Ron Phipps, states, "Recent progress has been made in bringing stability to the housing market and any changes to the MID now or in the future could critically erode home prices and the value of homes by as much as 15 percent, according to our research. This would negatively impact home ownership for millions of Americans, including those who own their homes outright and have no mortgage."
“Will Washington continue to allow taxpayers who own their homes to reduce their taxable income by the interest paid on the loan? Time will tell. It is dependent on finding alternative ways to curb growing anxiety over our growing debt.”
Good luck to us all.

Read the full Realty Times article.

For your next title order or
if you have questions about what you see here, contact
Stephen M. Flatow, Esq.
Vested Title Inc.
165 Passaic Avenue, Suite 101
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Tel 973-808-6130 - Fax 201-656-4506
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Will the buyers be out during the holidays?

The folks at Realty Times think they just might be.
“As the year winds down, many homeowners fear that now could be a bad time to sell their home. While it’s true that the holidays can deter some folks from house hunting and making a major purchase—don’t give up.”
The recommendation to sellers:
“ If your house is on the market, step up the action plan to draw attention to it. Don’t let the holiday blues make you feel like there’s no hope. Homes are sold and bought this time of year. But the ones that get snatched up are the ones that are enticing to buyers.”
There are some things you can do to make your home more “showable”.
“A good rule of thumb, is to keep decor simple and subtle. If you celebrate Christmas, go ahead and put a tree up but don’t put one up in every room. Remember that buyers will be looking at your home and imagining their own holiday celebrations there. So, be sure to leave them room to envision their lives in the home.
“This goes for the outside too. Holiday lights can be placed outside very tastefully but ditch the huge inflatable characters that make it look like your yard is an amusement park. Instead, opt for a nice holiday wreath and some subtle seasonal decor. Keep in mind that curb appeal is what gets buyers in the door. If your home isn’t appealing from the outside, buyers won’t bother to stop for a look inside.”
What else can you do? Stash the gifts, they can clutter the living room. Add some fragrance to the air but don’t go overboard. Spruce up the mantle. No personal photos.
“Listing your home for sale during the holidays doesn’t have to make you blue; in fact it can truly brighten your spirits by putting some green in your bank account. Just be sure to focus on making your home a buyer’s dream this holiday season.”
Read the full article Fall May Bring Serious Buyers by Phoebe Chongchua.

For your next title order or
if you have questions about what you see here, contact
Stephen M. Flatow, Esq.
Vested Title Inc.
165 Passaic Avenue, Suite 101
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Tel 973-808-6130 - Fax 201-656-4506
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Monday, November 29, 2010

Looking for a home? How much house can you afford?

Trying to calculate “how much house you can afford?” Here’s a link to calculator from the folks at that will give you a little guidance. By entering your income and living expenses you are able to get a rough calculation as to how much you can spend monthly on your housing and how much you can afford to pay for that new home.

Remember, it’s a calculator, so it’s nothing more than one tool in the box when you take the first steps in buying a home.

How much house can you afford

For your next title order or
if you have questions about what you see here, contact
Stephen M. Flatow, Esq.
Vested Title Inc.
165 Passaic Avenue, Suite 101
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Tel 973-808-6130 - Fax 201-656-4506
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