Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mortgage Modification Program a Bust - Ask this homeowner

The New York Times reports on what we have been reporting all along--the Obama administration's mortgage modification programs are not working. In Promised Help Is Elusive for Some Homeowners the Times relates the story of Arizona homeowner, Eileen Ulery, and her efforts to modify her mortgage. Her problem? She's current on her payments.

Yes, she was teetering toward delinquency. She was among millions of homeowners rapidly sliding toward danger for whom the Obama administration had devised an aid program — some already in foreclosure proceedings, others headed that way as they ran out of means to make their payments. But unlike those in imminent peril of losing their homes, Ms. Ulery had never missed a payment.

“I don’t know who this bailout is helping,” she said. “We’ve given these banks all this money and they’re not doing what they say they’redoing. Something’s not working right. They keep saying they’re doing all this, but we don’t see it down here at this level.”

More than three months after the Obama administration outlined a new program aimed at rescuing millions of distressed homeowners by compensating banks that modify mortgages, Ms. Ulery’s experience illustrates the mixture of confusion, frustration and limited assistance that now reigns.

Good luck to Ms. Ulery and the thousands of other homeowners just like her as they attempt to weather the financial storm. In fact, good luck to us all.

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