Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is the FDIC letting the foxes get a second chance at the hen house?

From the Associated Press:
“The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. took over ShoreBank, with $2.16 billion in assets and $1.54 billion in deposits. Urban Partnership Bank, the newly chartered financial institution, agreed to assume ShoreBank's deposits and nearly all its assets.”

ShoreBank was shut down by the FDIC on Friday.  It was long expected.  According to the Associated Press, the bank
“has been known for its social activism but racked by financial troubles in recent months. A consortium funded by several of the biggest U.S. financial firms is buying its assets and pledging to operate the new bank by the same principles.”

So, what’s so strange about this turn of events? 
In an unusual move, the FDIC allowed some of ShoreBank's executives to continue running the restructured bank. Executives who joined ShoreBank recently, as the bank struggled to raise capital, will manage Urban Partnership Bank. These managers "did not contribute to the bank's problems," the FDIC said.
Well, we’ll see if the FDIC is right about that or if this is just another case of insiders getting a second chance at the gold.

Read the full story here.

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