Monday, December 31, 2012

Using gifts for real estate purchase downpayment

The New York Times discusses the impact on your loan application when you receive a gift towards your cash needs for closing.
HOME buyers trying to scrape together enough money to cover the typical 20 percent down payment frequently look to relatives for help.
The number of first-time homebuyers who resort to the Bank of Mom and Dad is about 25%.  No surprise here as prices in the metro-New York area are high and first time home buyers are young couples who are, literally, just starting out.

There are some pitfalls to avoid when you receive a gift.
But mortgage lenders closely scrutinize cash gifts. That critical check from the parents may not count toward your home purchase if you can’t thoroughly document its source and intention.
Be certain that the money is transferred by check or wire as the paper trail is essential and must be able to be followed by the loan processor.  If possible, get the money into the buyer's account several months before the closing.  It might result in less questioning by the bank.  Also, donors should check on their gift tax liability.

Nothing is simple, is it?

Read the full article here.

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Fairfield, NJ 07004
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