Monday, April 8, 2013

Get the right real estate broker

Some words of advice from Realty Times about selecting a real estate broker.
When you're buying a new home, you can't afford to have your needs lost in translation. However, it can be difficult to put into words exactly what you want. After all, when searching for the perfect home, it could be a matter of you'll "know it when you see it." A good real estate agent can translate your desires into a dream home.
I remember my first house hunting experience.  It was if the broker and I were speaking different languages.

The lesson learned?  Shop for a real estate broker as you would a doctor or any other professional.

Read the full article here.

For your next commercial real estate transaction, house purchase, mortgage refinance, reverse mortgage, or home equity loan, contact us. We can help. We are the title insurance agent that does it all for you.

For your next title order or
if you have questions about what you see here, contact
Stephen M. Flatow, Esq.
Vested Land Services LLC
165 Passaic Avenue, Suite 101
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Tel 973-808-6130 - Fax 973-227-0645
E-mail sflatow AT
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