Showing posts with label Canadian Geese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadian Geese. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What can be done to control Canada geese in New Jersey?

Anyone who has tried to enjoy one of NJ’s beautiful parks and lakes knows first hand how foul the resident fowl—Canadian geese—can make those parks and lakes.  So, what to do?  Just last month someone decided enough was enough and killed 18 geese in Mount Laurel, N.J.
As noted in the Asbury Park Press:
“The butchering of the geese at the shopping center was a shocking reaction, perhaps undertaken by an annoyed resident or business owner, to what has become a growing problem in all corners of the state.”

“Towns, golf courses, parks and businesses face the choice of getting rid of the geese or letting them stay and dealing with the bacteria-carrying feces they leave behind. The towns and institutions that opt to get rid of some or all of their geese then face another choice: How to do it? Many of the options are unpopular. So is doing nothing about the problem.”
Municipalities and businesses around New Jersey have undertaken different ways to control the geese.  They range from euthanization to hiring dogs to chase the geese.  But as noted by Andrew Spears, superintendent of recreation for Monmouth County parks,

"The geese were taking over public facilities, lake fronts, golf courses and playing fields.

“Spears said Geese Chasers helps control the resident bird population by disrupting nests and eventually moving them to less trafficked areas in the park system. But Spears realizes chasing the geese from one place to another is not a permanent solution.”

Read the full story.

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