Showing posts with label Recession. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recession. Show all posts

Friday, May 1, 2009

Second-Home Blues in a time of Recession

Where's the help for second-home owners during these times? Is the government abandoning those who bought vacation properties during the 1990s? These are the questions raised and discussed in "Help for second-home owners" written by Marilyn Kennedy Meila at

When we overindulged in real estate earlier this decade, we took generous helpings of seconds.

Now the problem for many with too much debt on their plate is how to deal with the mortgage on a second home.

When buyers purchase a home that's not their primary residence and ask lenders to qualify them based on expected rental receipts, it's counted as an investment property. If, though, borrowers plan to pay the mortgage out of their own pocket and use the property for their own enjoyment, it's a vacation home.

That's an important distinction because there's "some dispute about whether or not the recently announced government effort allows owners of bona fide vacation homes and some types of rental units to seek a refinance."

Meila discusses what she sees as the four options when dealing with a second home. They are:

  • Refinancing
  • Selling short
  • Working out a modification
  • Declaring bankruptcy
To read the complete article, go here.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Recession Sing-A-Long! - One can always laugh

Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist and animator Walt Handelsman plays on the Broadway revival of West Side Story with "Worst Slide Story."

Watch the full animation.

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