Showing posts with label Settlement Statement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Settlement Statement. Show all posts

Monday, August 23, 2010

 OK, you've just bought a house or taken out a new mortgage.  In front of you is a stack of paper.  What do you do with that pile?  Well, an article by Carla Hill on Realty Times, Paperwork to Keep After Closing, is a concise guide to doing just that and is worthwhile to post in its entirety.

At the end of closing, a large stack of papers sits in front of you. How do you know which ones to file away for future use?
To make your job of sorting through the papers a little easier, here are a few "be sure to save" items.

1. Truth in Lending statement: This handy paperwork helps to summarize the details of your mortgage, including your percentage rate.

2. Insurance: Not only does it serve for proof of coverage, but just in the case you need to make a claim, you will have contact and coverage information on hand.
3. Deed: This paperwork proves that the property has "indeed" been transferred to your ownership.
4. Riders: These are sale contract changes (amendments) that affect you directly.
5. HUD-1 Settlement Statement: This is a great itemized list of your closing costs. It will be especially important for when it comes time to pay income taxes.
Be sure to keep all of your paperwork in an organized filing system and in a fire-proof safe. For a more in depth list of items to keep, be sure to ask your lender and real estate agent.

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Stephen M. Flatow 
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