Showing posts with label Vickie Elmer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vickie Elmer. Show all posts

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tapping your home's equity? Banks are making it easier.

The New York Times’ Vickie Elmer writes about good news for potential home equity borrowers.

Seems that the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency “noted that one in five lenders nationwide loosened up underwriting standards on home equity loans, while another 68 percent kept them unchanged from a year ago.”  That’s a big improvement over 2009. 
“Lenders also have been lowering the credit scores and equity levels needed to qualify, industry experts say. “You may not need to have as much equity as lenders may have demanded two years ago, when housing prices were going to fall,” said Keith Leggett, a senior economist at the American Bankers Association. This is especially true, he said, in areas where home prices are appreciating.”
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Advice for tapping your home’s equity-
“Borrowers must decide whether they want a traditional home equity loan, sometimes called a second mortgage, which has a fixed interest rate and fixed payments, or a home equity line of credit, known by its acronym, Heloc. A line of credit usually has a variable rate and can be drawn down incrementally. The variable-rate Heloc is one and a half percentage points lower than the fixed-rate home equity loan, which in turn is around three percentage points above the average 30-year fixed-rate conventional mortgage.”
Once you are approved for a home equity loan, you will have to select a title agency to close your loan. For my two cents, avoid the one recommended by the lender because experience shows that borrower’s need the personal touch when it comes to closing the loan, not some production line outfit. Personal service, that’s something we’re proud to be able to provide.

Read more here.

For your next title order or
if you have questions about what you see here, contact
Stephen M. Flatow, Esq.
Vested Land Services LLC
165 Passaic Avenue, Suite 101
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Tel 973-808-6130 - Fax 973-227-0645
E-mail sflatow AT
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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Turned down for a mortgage? Maybe here’s why

The New York Times’ Vickie Elmer addresses reasons for mortgage loan application rejection.
“WE regret to inform you...” Nobody applying for a new mortgage or a refinancing wants to see or hear these words. But last year more than two million people were turned down for home loans, according to federal data, often because they didn’t meet certain lender requirements or because their applications were incomplete or otherwise problematic. Lenders’ underwriting criteria have become more rigorous in recent years; some banks have tightened up beyond federal requirements.
Here are the six biggest triggers for rejection, according to industry experts.
  • INSUFFICIENT INCOME Lenders want to make sure you can afford to make the mortgage payments. Someone who earns, say, $40,000 a year need not bid on a $750,000 apartment, unless there’s a trust fund with quarterly payouts or other money available. Also, lenders typically look for at least a two-year track record of income, which could hurt those who may have switched jobs recently.
  • CLOUDY FINANCIAL PICTURE. Generally, total debt payments, including the mortgage, cannot exceed 45 to 50 percent of your adjusted gross monthly income. Borrowers may be surprised at what counts and what doesn’t.
  • BAD CREDIT Lenders typically reject applicants with a FICO score below 620. Failing to pay your mortgage on time affects your score.
  • LOW APPRAISAL. This is the predominant reason people are denied home loans today, according to industry experts.
  • PROPERTY PROBLEMS. Issues within an apartment unit or a house such as major repairs have to be addressed. In our area of NJ, there are several condominiums with lawsuits pending against them that have turned into deal killers.
  • INFORMATION MIX-UPS. About 12 percent of new mortgage applications were denied because of unverifiable information or incomplete credit applications, according to the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council.
Read the full article.
For your next title order or
if you have questions about what you see here, contact
Stephen M. Flatow, Esq.
Vested Title Inc.
165 Passaic Avenue, Suite 101
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Tel 973-808-6130 - Fax 201-656-4506
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