Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

New Jersey suburbs - having deer as neighbors

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Having lived in the wilds of suburban Essex County, New Jersey, I can personally testify to the incredible number of deer roaming through wooded areas; such as the one that bordered my home.  I once read that there are as many deer now as there were in the time of the Revolution.  The reason, we killed off their natural predators.
In any event, they are back with an annoying vengeance.  Here's an interesting article on the problem from the New York Times

Deer Make the Worst Neighbors

Like many of us who choose to live in the suburbs, deer want a nice, safe neighborhood, with great food and plenty of privacy. For one particular doe and fawn, that neighborhood happens to be my backyard. 
 Sure, they’re quiet — come to think of it, I’ve never heard them make a sound. And the little one covered in Bambi spots sure is cute. But let’s face it, they’re rude neighbors. When I ask the mother to leave by, say, pounding on my kitchen window with a spatula, she stares back at me blankly and pees. 
 Sometimes, she deposits her fawn in my shrubs for the day while she runs off to do whatever it is deer do with their time when they’re not devouring my marigolds. I’m not a free babysitter, but she seems to think I am. And the fawn is under the impression that we can’t see her, even as my children crouch, perplexed, to get a better look at the little speckled creature crushing my lamb’s ear. 
 I’ve tried using subtle hints to let them know I want my space, like spraying my foliage with an organic concoction that smells like sour milk and claims to repel deer, but actually only repels people who like to sit near flowers. Sometimes, they take a hint and venture off — I imagine them taking long strolls in the nearby nature preserve, another suburban selling point. 
 No sooner have they left, though, when another mother shows up. How do I know she’s not the same one? A hint: this one has twins.
 You’d think I live far out in the country, in some area of thick woods and wild mountains. But no, I’m only 20 miles from Midtown Manhattan in New Jersey, the most densely populated state in the country.
 Blake Smith, who moved from Brooklyn to West Orange, N.J., 13 years ago with her husband, Tim, 49, can see the Empire State Building from her back deck, but it’s the deer that take her breath away.
 “They’re like these mystical creatures,” she said. “They’re like unicorns.”
 More like shameless interlopers. A few weeks ago, a deer pushed its way into Ms. Smith’s screened-in porch to get ahold of some potted hibiscus. Ms. Smith, 45, an associate director of digital at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai, had moved the pots inside so they wouldn’t become deer salad. 
 So much for that. Ms. Smith gave up and put the pots back outside. “I told them, ‘Have them, just eat them. Just please don’t eat my watermelon,’” she said. 
 Ms. Smith knows these deer well. They are members of a herd that has lived in a vacant lot behind her house for years, with a doe that the family named Limpy for her uneven gait. Perhaps because they’ve been neighbors for so long, the deer listened to her about the watermelons and so far have left them alone. The hibiscus they ate.
 Whitetail deer are a source of suburban awe and angst. They were hunted to near oblivion in the late 19th century, but their numbers are back and they’re seemingly everywhere. New Jersey doesn’t even know how many whitetails call the Garden State home, since government estimates are based, morbidly, on the number of deer that hunters kill each year, which hovers around 50,000. In areas where hunting is prohibited, like my backyard, no one is tracking the herds.
 “It’s really hard to get a population estimate, especially in a fragmented, densely populated state like New Jersey,” said Brooke Maslo, an assistant professor of ecology at Rutgers University.
Read the full article.

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