Showing posts with label public adjuster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label public adjuster. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2012

Homeowners and the storm - exercise caution about insurance claims

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The New York Times Your Money column written by Ron Lieber has a cautionary report on reasons for homeowners to be wary until they have the insurance check in hand.
There is a sort of honeymoon period that occurs after a big storm like Hurricane Sandy, when insurance executives appear on the local news offering reassuring words. Their brightly painted vans pull into residential neighborhoods amid the standing water and debris. Everyone is hopeful. Handshakes and back-patting all around.
That period is about to end. Prices for roofers and construction materials will rise, disadvantageous parsing of policy language will commence and gangs of class-action lawyers will round up aggrieved clients who still have months of homelessness ahead of them. Many claims will take years to settle.
It happens every time, and so it will with this storm. That’s not to say that a majority of people with insurance claims won’t be satisfied with the check they receive or won’t get one quickly.
There are things to watch that people should watch out for:
  • The insurance adjuster who doesn't work for you.
  • Categorizing the damage from flood rather than wind.
  • Replacement versus repair
  • Compliance with building codes
Read the full story.

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Fairfield, NJ 07004
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