Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Big Surprise- Coping with business bankruptcy discusses the impact of business bankruptcy on the average Joe.

"How's this for a nightmare scenario? You go to pick up your dry cleaning on the morning of a job interview only to find the lights out and the doors locked. A small sign on the door reads: "Closed for good."

"Recent high-profile bankruptcies by Circuit City and Linens 'n Things have woken Americans up to an unpleasant reality: Businesses go out of business, and they often create big problems for their customers in the process."

There's no easy answer as to what to do "if a business shuts down when it has your stuff or owes you money, goods or services."

If you have property that's in the possession of a closed-down business -- clothing at a dry cleaner or a car at an auto shop -- the first thing to do is try to contact the usiness and retrieve your property.

Extended warranties, gift cards and certificates, and advance payments are another frequent casualty of busted businesses.

Read the full article, Coping with a business bankruptcy, by Claes Bell at

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