Monday, May 4, 2009

Piggy Back Seconds Blocking Modifications?

At our catbird seat in Northern New Jersey we have heard of many homeowners who have been frustrated in their refinance attempts by low appraisal values and other wrinkles, such as lender's instructing borrowers to go into default before applying for a modification.

The Obama Administration's attempts at freeing up refinance money just do not seem to be working. For instance, a New Jersey homeowner buys near the top of the market, has been making on-time payments, and is looking for a lower rate. Along comes the government's HARP program and a loan limit of 105% of appraisal value. If you bought a house for $300,000, put down $30,000, and your property is now worth $225,000, the arithmetic is simple--under HARP you qualify for a loan of $236,250.00. That's a far cry from the $270,000 =/- you are trying to refi.

What if you have a piggy back second mortgage from your closing? Kenneth R. Harney's Washington Report: Second Liens and Piggyback Loans discusses the issue.
Second liens and “piggyback” loans have been big impediments to successful
mortgage modifications for thousands of financially-stressed home owners. Now
the Obama administration has a new program to deal with the problem.

Under a plan outlined last week, the Treasury department will soon begin offering cash incentives and subsidies to lenders who lower troubled home owners' monthly payments on second mortgages and credit lines, or simply write them off their books.

How will this work?

  • Treasury will enter into agreements with second lien holders to reduce interest rates to just one percent on fully-amortizing seconds and to two percent for interest-only seconds, for the next five years.
  • Treasury will pay cooperating lenders $500 for each second lien they modify, plus $250 a year for each year the home owners stay current on payments. Alternatively, lenders may be offered a lump-sum cash payment from the government to cancel the second-lien debt altogether.
  • Whenever first mortgage holders cut a borrower's principal balances by a percentage of the loan amount, second lien holders will be required to reduce balances owed by a similar percentage.
Will it work in markets such as New Jersey? Only time will tell. Read the full article here.

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