Monday, May 23, 2011

Losing sleep over a short sale

Readers of this blog know about the pitfalls and benefits of short sales where a home is sold for less than the amount of its mortgage.

Since a short sale cannot occur without the consent of the lender, sellers are completely subject to the lender’s whims and ineptness.

The New York Times reports on one New Jersey homeowner who lived the short sale nightmare in “A 30-Month Short-Sale Saga” by Antoinette Martin.
“MELANIE BROWN sits at the breakfast bar of the Teaneck house she will soon surrender to new owners and says the pain of that is piercing, but at least the “mental torture” at the hands of bankers and their computerized bureaucracy is finally done, after two and a half years.

“They would demand information, and then delay any response, demand and delay, over and over,” said Ms. Brown, 42, a school administrator, about her lender, Bank of America, and its Equator software system. “I got to feel like a mouse that a cat just kept smacking around.”

“This was a short sale. It took 30 months. And it might not have happened at all — despite Ms. Brown’s sustained effort to meet every shifting deadline for documents, and her real estate agent’s campaign to get help — except that the agent finally contacted an aide to a ongressman, who contacted an aide to the president of Bank of America.”
What was it like dealing with Bank of America? Ms. Brown says,
“No one ever actually talks to you,” “they just send threatening e-mails, saying things like: ‘If you don’t refile those documents for the third time giving the entire history of your life by the end of the business day, then this process is terminated. You will have to start over at the beginning.’ ”
“Ms. Brown’s original loan was from Countrywide Savings Bank, acquired by Bank of America in 2008. When she began asking Bank of America about loan modification, she said, she was told it was impossible, because she was current with her payments.

“They told me I had to stop paying for three months before they could even consider helping me,” she said. “I was shocked. I thought that was drastic, but they said it was the only way.”

Sound drastic, but a common step.

Do you have a short sale nightmare to share? We’d love to hear from you.

Read the full story here.

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