Monday, May 2, 2011

Buying your vacation home blues

The New York Times states

IT might be easier if you just paid cash for that vacation house.
There is loan money available for second-home purchases, but expect bigger down payments, higher interest rates and other standards tighter than on a principal residence — and those standards are tight already. In addition, there are quirks specific to vacation markets.

Back in the day, “there was virtually no difference in underwriting for vacation homes versus owner-occupied homes,” said Guy Cecala, the publisher of Inside Mortgage Finance. “That’s something that’s changed dramatically. The days of being able to buy a vacation home with little or no money down are over.”

For instance, favorable interest rate loans from the FHA are not available. And you’ll need at least 20% down to meet Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac requirements.

“Thirty percent also seems to be the “comfort zone” this year for down payments in the Jersey Shore towns where Michael Loundy, a broker at Seaside Realty, works. “You can get 20 percent down,” he said, “but the buyer has to look very strong with income-debt ratios.””

Read the full article - Financing a Vacation Home.
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