Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Selling your home? Do you have a for sale sign on the lawn? Some people would like to ban for sale signs.

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From the New York Times:

Does a For Sale Sign Help Sell a House?

Many towns in the New York area have long banned the lawn signs, but some believe they still have value in a rapidly evolving marketplace.
A planned ban on For Sale signs in New Canaan, Conn., hadn’t even begun before it was over.
 The New Canaan Board of Realtors had publicly announced the six-month trial ban in early June, citing the dramatic shift toward online house-hunting and a desire among its members to improve the look of the pricey town. For Sale signs have multiplied noticeably in New Canaan this year as the community has struggled to attract enough buyers to whittle down its substantial supply.
 “When you have as much inventory as we have, the signs make it look like there’s something wrong,” said Doug Milne, an agent with Houlihan Lawrence who specializes in the towns of New Canaan and Darien, explaining part of the thinking behind the proposed sign ban.
So, is it for giving the neighborhood an aesthetic look by banning signs, or is because a plethora of signs make people thing there's a fire sale?

I'll let you read the full article.

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