Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What can be done to control Canada geese in New Jersey?

Anyone who has tried to enjoy one of NJ’s beautiful parks and lakes knows first hand how foul the resident fowl—Canadian geese—can make those parks and lakes.  So, what to do?  Just last month someone decided enough was enough and killed 18 geese in Mount Laurel, N.J.
As noted in the Asbury Park Press:
“The butchering of the geese at the shopping center was a shocking reaction, perhaps undertaken by an annoyed resident or business owner, to what has become a growing problem in all corners of the state.”

“Towns, golf courses, parks and businesses face the choice of getting rid of the geese or letting them stay and dealing with the bacteria-carrying feces they leave behind. The towns and institutions that opt to get rid of some or all of their geese then face another choice: How to do it? Many of the options are unpopular. So is doing nothing about the problem.”
Municipalities and businesses around New Jersey have undertaken different ways to control the geese.  They range from euthanization to hiring dogs to chase the geese.  But as noted by Andrew Spears, superintendent of recreation for Monmouth County parks,

"The geese were taking over public facilities, lake fronts, golf courses and playing fields.

“Spears said Geese Chasers helps control the resident bird population by disrupting nests and eventually moving them to less trafficked areas in the park system. But Spears realizes chasing the geese from one place to another is not a permanent solution.”

Read the full story.

For your next title order or
if you have questions about what you see here, contact
Stephen M. Flatow
Vested Title Inc.
648 Newark Avenue, P.O. Box 6453,
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Tel 201-656-9220 - Fax 201-656-4506
E-mail vti@vested.com - www.vested.com Sphere: Related Content

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mortgage servicers take on two roles, and the homeowner pays

In her column, Fair Game, in the Sunday New York Times, Gretchen Morgenson lays bare a possible reason that homeowners are not getting approved for mortgage modifications—the folks who make those decisions also own junior liens that may be prejudiced by those decisions.

Morgenson introduces you to Brad Miller, a Democratic representative from North Carolina with a background in consumer law.  “This past March, Mr. Miller introduced a bill that would eliminate one of the most pernicious conflicts of interest in banking today: the dueling roles played by the big mortgage servicers.”
“When borrowers are defaulting in droves, as they are now, loan servicing becomes much more complex and laborious. Servicers must chase delinquent borrowers for payments and otherwise manage these uneasy relationships, possibly into foreclosure.

“So where does the conflict of interest lie? Often, the same bank that services a primary mortgage owned by another institution also owns a second mortgage or home equity line of credit on the same property. When that borrower has trouble meeting both payments, the servicer has an interest in making sure that amounts owed on the second lien, which it owns, continue to be paid even if the first loan, which it has no interest in, slides into delinquency. About two-thirds of primary mortgages are serviced by banks who do not own them but hold the accompanying seconds.”
Miller has some good ideas but knows it will be an uphill fight.  We’ll keep you posted.

Read the full story.

Your comments are welcome.

For your next title order or 
if you have questions about what you see here,
contact Stephen M. Flatow 
Vested Title Inc. 
648 Newark Avenue, P.O. Box 6453, 
Jersey City, NJ 07306 
Tel 201-656-9220 - Fax 201-656-4506 
E-mail vti@vested.com - www.vested.com
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Saturday, August 14, 2010

The long arm of the law grabs 2 mortgage swindlers

New Jersey’s Attorney General Paula T. Dow and Criminal Justice Director Stephen J. Taylor announced yesterday “that a Union County mortgage loan solicitor has been charged with conspiring with others – including a Kearny woman who was charged previously – in a scheme to steal millions of dollars by obtaining mortgage loans using false identities and counterfeit documents.”

Nuno J. Sousa, 34, of Elizabeth, was arrested yesterday.  He joins Genilza R. Nunes who was arrested in March.
“The state investigation determined that Nunes, Sousa and a number of co-conspirators allegedly were involved in a sophisticated, multi-million dollar mortgage loan fraud scheme operating in northern New Jersey, including Morris, Somerset, Hudson, Union, Passaic and Essex Counties. The state has specifically alleged that Nunes and Sousa – with Sousa acting as the mortgage loan solicitor – engaged in fraudulent transactions involving five properties, with a total fraud of $2,152,800. However, it is believed that the scheme is much larger.”
We write about these arrests and hoped-for prosecutions not out of any sense of glee but to demonstrate that the real estate market collapse did not result just from the shenanigans of big Wall Street firms but also from thefts and frauds of the kind allegedly pulled-off by these defendants.  If the alleged scheme is part of a larger one, I can’t wait to see the rest.

You can read the Attorney General’s press release here.

For your next title order or 
if you have questions about what you see here, contact 
Stephen M. Flatow 
Vested Title Inc. 
648 Newark Avenue, P.O. Box 6453,
Jersey City, NJ 07306 
Tel 201-656-9220 - Fax 201-656-4506 
E-mail vti@vested.com - www.vested.com
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Obama administration to send $112M to N.J. for mortgage assistance

Some New Jersey residents stand to benefit from mortgage assistance coming out of Washington, D.C.

Staying out of foreclosure in this economy can be tough enough. Try keeping up with the mortgage after losing a paycheck.

To try to help prevent more defaults, the Obama administration today said it will send $112 million to New   Jersey to design a program to help unemployed homeowners stay in their homes while looking for work.

New Jersey is one of 17 states with persistently high unemployment rates to share $2 billion in funding through the program, dubbed the "Hardest Hit Fund."

The state still has to come up with a plan on how the money will be dished and no one is predicting, yet, how many people will actually benefit from the program.  Of course, there’s a risk of abuse—money going to the wrong people—but this is New   Jersey, after all.

In any event, hats off to the folks in Washington for sending this money our way.

Read the full report from the Star-Ledger.

For your next title order
or if you have questions about what you see here, contact
Stephen M. Flatow
Vested Title Inc.
648 Newark Avenue, P.O. Box 6453,
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Tel 201-656-9220 - Fax 201-656-4506
E-mail vti@vested.com - www.vested.com Sphere: Related Content

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

From Bankrate.com - 3 ways to mess up a home mortgage closing

Here's some practical advice from Holden Lewis writing on Bankrate.com on how to botch your mortgage closing.
"Want a lender to delay or even cancel your mortgage closing? Then change your "borrower circumstances" between the day you apply for and the day you close a home loan."
"Lenders have gotten stricter in response to the mortgage meltdown. The latest tightening of the screws comes from Fannie Mae. The mortgage titan's Loan Quality Initiative, which went into effect June 1, requires lenders to track "changes in borrower circumstances" between application and closing."

It seems kind of silly to have to point this out to buyers, but there are certain no-no's when it comes to getting that mortgage loan closed on time.

Here are the 3 ways:
No. 1 -- Get a new credit card or auto loan
"Lenders have long admonished mortgage applicants to avoid getting new credit cards and auto loans while home loans are in underwriting. Fannie's Loan Quality Initiative adds urgency to this request."

"So at the eleventh hour, most lenders check credit for new accounts."
No. 2 -- Charge up credit cards
"Charging up credit cards with thousands of dollars' worth of appliances, tools and yard equipment is another surefire way to muck up a closing."
"Mortgage approval is based partly on debt-to-income ratio. The lender looks at the borrower's minimum monthly debt payments and compares them to income. If the ratio of debt payments to income is too high, the borrower could be turned down for a mortgage. Fannie encourages mortgage lenders to recalculate debt-to-income ratios just before closing."
No. 3 --  Change jobs
"Changing jobs is another good way to derail a mortgage before closing. Other potential deal-breakers include staying with a current employer, but switching from a salaried position to one where primary income comes from commissions or bonuses."

Not scared?  Then, read the full article.  Being forewarned is being forearmed!

For your next title order or 
if you have questions about what you see here, contact 
Stephen M. Flatow 
Vested Title Inc. 
648 Newark Avenue, P.O. Box 6453, 
Jersey City, NJ 07306 
Tel 201-656-9220 - Fax 201-656-4506 
E-mail vti@vested.com - www.vested.com
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